Welcome to Kelly's Flower Shop, an Ashland Addison Florist Company
Thomas Kinkade's Oh What Fun Bouquet

Thomas Kinkade's Oh What Fun Bouquet

$ 100.00


Approximately 18.75 W x 10.75 H in

Celebrate the season with this delightful Thomas Kinkade collectible, nestled among festive red roses and winter greens-a memorable gift that lights up with a classic ice skating scene for extra holiday joy. Celebrate the holidays with Thomas Kinkade's Oh What Fun arrangement.

It includes vibrant red roses, classic red carnations, and miniature red carnations, accented with variegated holly, noble fir, white pine, and cedar. Delivered in Teleflora's charming Thomas Kinkade's Oh What Fun Keepsake, it makes a festive seasonal centerpiece. 


Need a same day delivery after 1pm?  Give us a call  at 312.432.1800 and we may be able to help!

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