Welcome to Kelly's Flower Shop, an Ashland Addison Florist Company

Midnight Bloom

$ 85.00

Welcome the New Year in style with our Midnight Bloom bouquet – a handcrafted bouquet designed to elevate any celebration. Featuring lush purple roses, vibrant lisianthus, and delicate hydrangeas, this stunning design radiates elegance and sophistication. Accented with a bold, hand-painted purple and silver monstera leaf, this arrangement brings modern flair to your festive table or New Year’s Eve décor.

Available for same-day Chicago flower delivery, this bouquet ensures your celebrations are as chic and timeless as the evening! Add a pop of glamour to your New Year's Eve and let the Midnight Bloom be the centerpiece of your countdown to a sparkling year ahead.


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Need a same day delivery after 1pm?  Give us a call  at 312.432.1800 and we may be able to help!

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